
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you.

   I was helped tremendously, by a group called Save House for survivors of Domestic Violence. Today was my last counseling session after six months, I feel stronger and more confident in myself and my abilities to take care of me and my children. It was sad for me, my counselor was an amazing help in my life, but also very hopeful. I gave this piece entitled "Lasthi" to my counciler it's a promise.
   My goals are to learn and develop my artistic abilities to there fullest. I love mixing media and combining classic mediums, such as oil paints and water colors with computer design programs. Currently I am working on portfolio pieces and concept art for a comic book my son and I are working on together.

"Lasthi" was done on cardboard size 18 by 24'' using acrylic, Sharpie, and pencil. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Here's the story, I have been insanely busy. My six year old starts first grade in a week, I'm just started a new job, and also starting school after nine years of being away from school, which is terrifying. My current status is overwhelmed. So "Slightly Impaired" has been well slightly impaired, and long over do for some attention. I find myself busy wishing I could be working on my little pet project, wanting to be doodling up some pages. It's hard for me to actually put the drawings out there, I really don't think I can draw and this is my release so it's definitely not perfect. This drawing was an early work that I never intended to post, but I came back and finished it and said what the hell. Felix is entering her bathroom in the middle of the night, usually she is greeted by her reflection who she carries conversations with her about life.   AKH 8/26/11

Sunday, July 24, 2011

oops! pointed out by sister...maybe then less self help books....
From back left to right: CC,Nina,Rook,Brett,Abortion Pete, Reflection,Foggy Bear,Danny,Regret,Bess,Fran,Gentleman Rat,Princess,Awesome, and Kline the dog.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Slightly Impaired by Anna K Hetherington

My web comic Slightly Impaired pokes fun at life with a little bit of fiction and a little bit of reality which parts are which I will not divulge. I'm just hoping readers enjoy it as much as I enjoy creating it.

 Sincerely AKH

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two portfolio pieces....seriously:)

I truly want to be taken seriously as an artist, but I can not expect others to take me seriously if I'm not taking it serious myself. It is very difficult to make art important in your life when you are trying to go back to school, raise two kids, job hunt, and basically save what little bit of sanity you still have. My biggest hope is that I take this blog seriously as a real outlet for the artist trying to get out. Who knows maybe it will go somewhere wonderful.
 The top is titled, "The Death of Snow White." done in pencil and sharpie marker.
  The middle is a sketch for the bottom work tittled, "Urban Wizard." done in pencil, gouache, and sharpie marker.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gettin U

        I don't feel the photo does him justice but my latest haze induced creation is about a 25 by 32 inch canvas done in black and red oils. It started out as flowers, with the intention on being calming, but sometimes you paint to paint and the feel and flow took over, plus at the moment I'm anything but calm. Personally, I love the piece and normally I'm insanely hard on my works. "Gettin U" as I've titled him is wall worthy and that's saying a lot coming from me. He reminds me of important things, like how much I want to make my children proud of me, and that I'm really tired of the self doubt game, that I am constantly playing.
        Even if "Gettin U" is wall worthy my three year old daughter is terrified of him, which is flattering because artworks should invoke emotions,but I wasn't shooting for extreme terror as the feeling here. Sadly "Gettin U" has been banished to my bedroom closet, and I cant stand the thought of him not hanging up, but I don't want to sell him either, he's better than that he is unique and amazing and holds a lot of meaning to the artist so I'm plotting....wonder if I could barter him for a tattoo?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011