I don't feel the photo does him justice but my latest haze induced creation is about a 25 by 32 inch canvas done in black and red oils. It started out as flowers, with the intention on being calming, but sometimes you paint to paint and the feel and flow took over, plus at the moment I'm anything but calm. Personally, I love the piece and normally I'm insanely hard on my works. "Gettin U" as I've titled him is wall worthy and that's saying a lot coming from me. He reminds me of important things, like how much I want to make my children proud of me, and that I'm really tired of the self doubt game, that I am constantly playing.
Even if "Gettin U" is wall worthy my three year old daughter is terrified of him, which is flattering because artworks should invoke emotions,but I wasn't shooting for extreme terror as the feeling here. Sadly "Gettin U" has been banished to my bedroom closet, and I cant stand the thought of him not hanging up, but I don't want to sell him either, he's better than that he is unique and amazing and holds a lot of meaning to the artist so I'm plotting....wonder if I could barter him for a tattoo?
Great painting! I like it! Thanks for sharing this! Happy Easter!...Daniel